…A Manner Worthy of the Gospel

Recently, an issue came up during selection of sponsors for a confirmation candidate. Over the course of 50+ years the sponsor led an honorable, spiritually faithful, and upstanding life. But of course, with any life filled with many years, there were a few minor glitches that were not in line with church expectations. It is … Continue reading "…A Manner Worthy of the Gospel"
Read More…I’ll Raise You One Kindness

Have you ever noticed trash on the side of the roads, walkways or in yards? How about when you are on a nature hike, walking over pine needle covered in the woods? Trash seems to find itself right where you are. Someone could have carelessly tossed it out their car window, or it flew out … Continue reading "…I’ll Raise You One Kindness"
Read More…What’s Your Capacity?

God Giving Everyone the Right Measure of Happiness St. Thérèse of Lisieux, The Story of a Soul. (New York: Double Day, 2001) 20. “You knew all my intimate thoughts and cleared up all my doubts. I once told you how astonished I was that God does not give equal glory in heaven to all His … Continue reading "…What’s Your Capacity?"
Read More…Omnipresence of Being

“But right before Jesus hid, he said, “Amen, Amen, I say to you, before Abraham came to be, I AM.” And everyone went crazy and picked up stones and looked for him, but he was gone. He became Deus absconditus, the hidden God. And yet, it is only because he is hidden that we begin … Continue reading "…Omnipresence of Being"
Read More…Are We Pilgrims or Tourists?

Watching a Matthew Kelly Lent video prompted the question: “Are you a pilgrim or tourist?” What’s the difference you ask? Well, to paraphrase: pilgrims look for God in everything while tourists rush through and look for an immediate satisfaction or frustration without questioning why something is happening or not happening. A pilgrim always looks for … Continue reading "…Are We Pilgrims or Tourists?"
Read More…Seeing Our Own Faults

Someone was recently relaying some incidents between herself and a significant other. I didn’t realize I was about to be enlightened to my own faults. I was able to see my own actions reflected back on my own relationship matter and it made me very uncomfortable. Not only were my eyes opened to my own … Continue reading "…Seeing Our Own Faults"
Read More…Be A Blessing

Sometimes, the most simplest offering brings abundant rewards. Not rewards of wealth and riches but something that is even more significant. A personal treasure free from corruption and loot…one’s joy. That delightful feeling that makes you and others feel, well, really good. We get it in those moments we can be a blessing to someone, … Continue reading "…Be A Blessing"
Read More…Clothe Yourself with Kindness

If you want love, be kind. If you want to be liked, be kind. If you want to be happy, be kind If you want peace, be kind. If you want respect, be kind. If you want joy, be kind. If you want fairness, be kind. If you want good memories, be kind. Kindness has … Continue reading "…Clothe Yourself with Kindness"
Read More…He Wills Us Life

Calling a spade a spade. I have utmost respect for people when they do not try to cover the truth. They do not shy away from a teaching moment, and they certainly do not brush uncomfortable topics under the rug. Tonight, during a very painful and extremely sad memorial, a heartbroken mother and a frustrated, … Continue reading "…He Wills Us Life"
Read More…Hidden in Plain Sight

As I was walking out of a store today, I passed a nun wearing a full flowing black habit and a white veil framing her face. My first thought was “now that’s something we don’t see often enough”. I loved it because it was an instant recognition as a sign of church, faith and God. … Continue reading "…Hidden in Plain Sight"
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