…Nurturing Hope Within

Who we are on the inside certainly shows up in our actions, thoughts and words on the outside. Sometimes, they are endearing and sometimes they are downright horrible. Some people are panged with irrational thoughts whether towards others or themselves. There is constant communication going on in the mind. It’s not easy being human – … Continue reading "…Nurturing Hope Within"
Read More…God Is Who We Need

Each Sunday, we have the opportunity, or better yet, obligation to go to Mass and receive the Eucharist. God knows exactly what is best for us and what will heal us from the inside out. His presence in us renews us not only spiritually, but mindfully, physically and intellectually. The Holy Spirit helps us hear … Continue reading "…God Is Who We Need"
Read More…Is Your Faith Really Alive?

“If true knowledge of God depends upon immersion in the Holy Spirit, then that knowledge is a function of an entire form of life, involving prayer, self-denial, the corporal and spiritual works of mercy, and the forgiveness of one’s enemies. We don’t so much think our way to an understanding of God; we live our way … Continue reading "…Is Your Faith Really Alive?"
Read More…Humility Before Honor

From the time we are born, we humble ourselves to learn from others who are willing to share their knowledge. Whether it be speaking first words, reading and writing, riding a bike, learning algebra, cooking meals, calculating the motion of the universe, or upon our first introduction to Jesus, Proverbs or the Book of Wisdom. … Continue reading "…Humility Before Honor"
Read More…Food For The Soul

A few months ago, a friend of mine pleaded with me to go on vacation with her and some friends. Due to time constraints with my job, and of course finances, it wasn’t possible. She texted me a few times, while by the ocean side, reading a book I loaned her for the journey. She … Continue reading "…Food For The Soul"
Read More…Consider It Done

I watch and observe. I evaluate situations and discuss scenarios and options with people. But when the observation is over, I am moved to action: Prayer. Did you really think I wouldn’t talk over all my concerns, thoughts, issues and choices with the only one Who knows everything good in life for me? Peace, Paula
Read More…Rewards of Perseverance

As we know, “trouble” can be years worth of drudgery. But eventually, the patience endured to keep putting one foot in front of the other and sacrificing for others, does finally have its rewards. Someone in my family has finally been rewarded with the option to scale back his demanding life significantly, possibly to the … Continue reading "…Rewards of Perseverance"
Read More…Do You Hear What I Hear?

“One word from God can change your life forever. One word from God is worth 10,000 words from people. Faith comes by hearing and comes by the word of God. Faith rises when you hear God”. Joyce Meyer His Words exist. Are we listening to what we hear? Peace, Paula
Read More…Full Custody

Being that today is Sunday, I thought this message was apropos to our Sunday visits to Mass. I thought how God, like any parent, waiting for their children to come see them, would be excited in anticipation of seeing His children and catching up with their lives. But the message is that we need to … Continue reading "…Full Custody"
Read More…More Than a Feeling

It seems we can all experience great highs and lows. Sometimes within the same day, which can leave us feeling melancholy – not happy – not sad. Luckily, I know we are more than just our feelings. Truly though, the only one constant that reminds me we will always have hope is God. He is … Continue reading "…More Than a Feeling"
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