…We Should Be Committed

This commitment can change daily, weekly, by the month or yearly. But our first priority needs to be committed to God, then He will put everything in for us in it’s place.
Read More…Do You Have Shalom?

There are days I’m on my way to knowing my mission, but sometimes, I am not so sure. I need to listen more intently to God’s direction and then act without making excuses or delays. It’s time to identify when my soul has shalom, and when it does not. Christ always leads us to … Continue reading "…Do You Have Shalom?"
Read More…Understood?

There is NO relationship that will thrive without attention. “For prayer is nothing else than being on terms of friendship with God.” — St. Teresa of Avila Peace, Paula
Read More…Is Christ Within?

Just as we are unique to each other, our relationship with Christ is unique as well. God knows exactly where to rest in our heart and when we are to recognize His presence there. This cannot be stressed enough. Today I told a young woman, whom I’ve known for 16 years – since she was … Continue reading "…Is Christ Within?"
Read More…Affirmation From Afar

Last night while driving home from a long day of work, I received my weekly random text from my friend the priest in Africa. I didn’t realize at the time, that it would have encompassed my whole weekend. My first thought after receiving was “Yes and at times almost overwhelmingly fulfilled”. Tonight, my son and … Continue reading "…Affirmation From Afar"
Read More…Really? Again? So Soon?

Saturday was a long business day – exciting but tiring. At about 7:00pm I was with clients, who were also friends. Because we are friends, it took a bit longer than usual because conversation drifts from one familiar topic to another then back to business. But, no matter what I’m doing, who I’m with or … Continue reading "…Really? Again? So Soon?"
Read More…Return To God

Conversations about God are never far from the surface and appear when you least expect it. During a visit with clients, a discussion came up about judgment – not God’s- but man’s – and how people seem to think they personally rule over the inhabitants of the universe. It’s too bad because it isn’t God … Continue reading "…Return To God"
Read More…Paradise Found

We all have a purpose. Some are aware of their purpose but choose not to follow it while others are oblivious to any purpose whatsoever. Sometimes our purpose is entwined within our life’s journey. Today, I told an old acquaintance that I was back in school. When she asked me “what are you studying”, I … Continue reading "…Paradise Found"
Read More…Physical Language

God speaks to us in many ways. Sometimes He uses our own bodies to warn us about situations that just are not right for us or are probably not going to end well. He wants us to be alert and avoid these pitfalls. I’m not referring to our innate flight or fight responses, but those … Continue reading "…Physical Language"
Read More…Let Us Love

Why is it difficult to receive a gift or a gesture of love? Why does it seem so undeserving even when it’s deserving? Is it because it’s wrapped like a gift? Is it because we think there could be a reciprocal expectation? It is so much easier to give a gift or show love or … Continue reading "…Let Us Love"
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