…Paradise Found

We all have a purpose.  Some are aware of their purpose but choose not to follow it while others are oblivious to any purpose whatsoever. Sometimes our purpose is entwined within our life’s journey. Today, I told an old acquaintance that I was back in school. When she asked me “what are you studying”, I hesitated a bit and said “well I’m afraid to tell you because you may not agree with the area.” I said “theology and I’m fascinated, intrigued and learning a tremendous amount about my own faith, history and God.  She replied “Oh really? Well, my perspective has changed a bit…let me tell you why”.

She continued to share with me a personal experience where she had, what seemed to be, a near death vision while in surgery. She found herself in a profoundly joyful and peaceful place surrounded by throngs of multi-cultural people. She was greeted by a teenage boy of African descent who asked who she was.  She said the feeling was of immense calmness and satisfaction. A woman, who she described as The Virgin Mary, glided towards her and gently told her she couldn’t stay. My friend replied “but I don’t want to leave here”.  The motherly figure reinforced that she had to go back because this was not yet her time to be here and that she still had things to do”.  My friend then said, after that, in an instant, things went black and she was back.

There are many theories, scientific and medical reasoning’s as to why these visions occur – but they can also be quite simple in explanation to those of faith; They are of the Divine nature.  My friend needed to go through this as she had been losing her faith in a sea of spiteful negativity towards God, and a downright disregard for anything holy or religious. She acknowledged that this episode has put her back on the right path and has calmed her soul down. God has been communicating with us for generations upon generations.  How glorious to those who listen and acknowledge. It’s a moment of paradise for a worn out soul.

Lord Have Mercy,
