…What Would Jesus Do?

When I had started my last class in Theology, I was ecstatic to be a few short months away from earning my bachelor’s degree. I was satisfied, fulfilled, content and relieved to have learned so much about the Holy Trinity of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. I am overwhelmed with the insight and new veneration I have found for Mary the Mother of God, Angels and Saints. Spiritually, my own knowledge of God, His mission and His kingdom, grew immensely. What I thought I knew was only surface material.
I have been fortunate enough to have a devoted professor who has peeled back many layers of theology. But of everything that I learned, it is that of the most abundant love, grace and mercy that God offers each and every one of us. As humans, we cannot fathom this type of unconditional, irrevocable love because of our inherent sinful nature. But with Christ, we can be as close as possible to the One, Who is that nature of love. We can be like Christ in our thoughts, actions and deeds for others. When we have knowledge of and a relationship with Christ, we cannot help but become like Him. “What would Jesus Do?” is not a comical question. It is a valid question and we would know how to answer and respond quite simply if we just learn about God. That is how we develop to become more Christ like. It’s a process.
That last class was not the end of my seeking God in knowledge and truth because there is never an end to something of infinite depth. It will take my lifetime to try and understand what Christ wants to reveal to me. I also know His mystery may never be solved on this side of the grave. So while I live, I will listen, pay attention, take notes and apply to my daily life best I can.