…Return To God

Conversations about God are never far from the surface and appear when you least expect it. During a visit with clients, a discussion came up about judgment – not God’s- but man’s – and how people seem to think they personally rule over the inhabitants of the universe. It’s too bad because it isn’t God that turns people off, it’s people that turn others off to God whether knowingly or unknowingly. A hurtful remark, a misguided attempt at theology or trying to be the bearer of morality.
What I am certain of, is that we just don’t know what’s up and that is why God gave us the Bible and a personal conduit to Him in prayer. He even sent His Son, our personal advisor, to help us figure things out. He still had to simplify – love your Lord God with all your heart, mind and soul and love your neighbors as yourself. Yet, we still seem to alienate others because they are different. Sigh. Seems at this point in history, we still are really not different than the millions of people before us.
From the conversation, it also became clear that the young woman I was speaking with was on the fence about religion, church, God, and if any of it was for her. Knowing that she was a confirmed Catholic, I suggested, well, you are baptized in Christ and no matter how far you think you can separate yourself from Him, you can’t. So take the hierarchy part out of the equation and just cultivate your relationship with God.
That is what He wants the most and that is what is the most important. Don’t shut the door so early in your life. I guarantee there will be moments that will make you pause and you will reach out to Him in earnest.
In His Mercy,