…Physical Language

God speaks to us in many ways. Sometimes He uses our own bodies to warn us about situations that just are not right for us or are probably not going to end well. He wants us to be alert and avoid these pitfalls. I’m not referring to our innate flight or fight responses, but those subtle nagging suspicions we have, or the excuses we keep hearing ourselves make to allay doubts.
Physically, we may endure a stomachache, headache or even hear ourselves snapping at someone unrelated to the scenario because we are under unnecessary stress. Be aware, something is not right.
Whether in business or personal relationships, we need to be aware of what our bodies and minds are sensing around us. If someone or some situation doesn’t make sense, doesn’t add up or raises our blood pressure negatively, then reevaluation is needed. It could be that we just need to gird ourselves, with God’s strength and wisdom, for an upcoming disagreement or even battle.
It’s time to listen to what God is telling us, read those signs and heed the warning. He knows what’s best for us at all times because He only wants what’s good for us at all times.
Praise God,