…Hidden in Plain Sight

As I was walking out of a store today, I passed a nun wearing a full flowing black habit and a white veil framing her face. My first thought was “now that’s something we don’t see often enough”. I loved it because it was an instant recognition as a sign of church, faith and God. Catholic Nuns and priests wearing full religious garb in public is like seeing an elusive moon moth or finding a 4 leaf clover, they exist, but hardly seen.
Growing up, seeing a nun or priest in public was mainstream. Now, nuns and priests are hidden within mainstream. The last time I saw a priest wearing his clerics while out in public was 2 years ago in North Carolina who was out having lunch with friends after mass. Many people respectfully nodded, smiled or offered a sincere “good afternoon Father”. So I began to wonder…what if nuns and priests wore their habits and clerics more often? Perhaps if we were to see more nuns and priests about in public, their mere presence would intrigue curious minds. I am certain it would open dialogue either verbally or mentally for many. Maybe passersby would become a bit more respectful, maybe rethink that swear word on their lips, maybe not chide their child, maybe think of Jesus, church, a loved one, someone hurting, a new baby or new marriage or maybe someone is actually considering religious life and seeking affirmation!
People do better when there are visual reminders and having priests and nuns visually seen during our mundane activities lets us know that there are people out there dedicating their life to God. Nuns and priests are symbols of sacrifice, dedication, commitment, responsibility and most of all faith. Priests and nuns do not draw attention to themselves but they are certainly a sign of Jesus to the world. And, there should be more signs and reminders because it’s amazing how bright these dark coverings actually reflect into the world.