…The Pain of Love

Reflection from one year ago:
Today, I had a visit from a friend. He stopped by to say hello and catch up on life’s recent events. During his visit, he told my husband and I that his wife had begun to pray the rosary with him. This may not seem very impressive but it truly is a remarkable turn of events! Many years ago, for whatever reason, his wife stopped going to mass, curtailed her praying, and seemed to express anger towards him. Years past, she and her husband would even attend Cursillo meetings. But one day, it abruptly stopped. He is a devout Catholic so this separation strained him immensely. It was clear they were not communicating, were not close and had some issues. Hurtful words would fall easily from the lips onto his already broken heart. If or when he spoke about the trials, you could see the pain on his face . He prays many times a day and night, goes to confession weekly, has attended Cursillo by himself and always seemed to be renewing himself for the sake of his wife who couldn’t care less. He loves her that much. He prays to the Virgin Mary for counsel and to intercede on his wife’s behalf. Within this sorrow, he would just say “it’s my cross to carry”.
He would also express how much he loved his family. He is very loyal and works hard at both of his jobs and within his home. He is always engaged in repairing or taking care of something or someone. Over the last few years, from an outsider’s perspective, things have been slowly changing. Together they are doting grandparents to their first grandchild. They began to interact more lovingly. Eventually, he quit his night job and is now home in the evenings. Although he has suffered from some heart issues, in the past, his wife never seemed too concerned, however, a recent ailment almost took him. It must have been the shake she needed. Since then she has been showing him love and affection, and renewed her faith with God. They have begun to pray the rosary together every night and she initiates the quiet reverence. I never thought I’d see this day for him and it is truly a joy to witness. His undaunting faith reflected God’s gifts directly to his heart…the renewed love and respect of his wife.