…Mighty Oak Tree

Reflection from a year ago:
Dreaming of giant oak trees was certainly unique to me. I recall seeing extremely tall and massive oak tree trunks with huge branches reaching towards the sky. I thought to myself “wow, this would make a great picture looking upwards.” I continued walking through these groves of huge trees.
In ancient times, the Hebrew’s symbolized trees for God and the faithful. The roots reach deep for flowing streams of water. Water, being the life force, is attributed to God as He is our life source. The branches full of offshoots and leaves, spreading wide and reaching out and up to the sun, connect heaven and earth. When we are firmly planted and nourished in faith, we also can reach far and wide.
“In Jewish tradition, the Tree of Life connects heaven and earth, with its branches reaching upward and its roots planted firmly in the ground.”
Kyrie Eleison,