…Being Present

Reflection from one year ago:
There are many conversations about being present in our own lives. Perhaps we seem to be unaware, distracted or simply not in tune with our own unique nuances of the day. We leave our mind in the past recycling “what if’s” or “if only’s”, or continually focus on future needs or concerns, or sadly we embrace autopilot and become numb to our surroundings. Some of us bury ourselves in work so as to avoid challenges and responsibilities. What happens to that present moment in time? Can we identify those instances that are amusing, quizzical, peaceful, perplexing, intriguing, or satisfying to our day? Are we overlooking what is in plain sight? We can meet each day anew with zeal for its adventure!
Here is an excerpt from an article written by Dr. Tom Neal, contributor to www.wordonfire.org, entitled “Bloom Where You’re Planted”;
“I was listening to Orthodox theologian Fr. Tom Hopko last summer, and he shared a marvelous Latin quote from St. Benedict of Nursia: “Age quod agis (do what you are doing).”
He also shared another pithy saying drawn from Zen Buddhism; “When you eat, eat; when you walk, walk.”
I’ll give Thomas Merton the last word; “You do not need to know precisely what is happening, or exactly where it is all going. What you need is to recognize the possibilities and challenges offered by the present moment, and to embrace them with courage, faith and hope…”
Kyrie Eleison