…Happy New Year!

“So when you know your mission, be astonished by what God has done, and never stop treasuring it.” – Bishop Robert Barron

Last year, beginning on January 1st, I began a year long daily project. I entitled it “Where Are You Today, Lord? A Year in the Life of Christ’s Response…I AM Here.” Initially it was just for a college Capstone project. However, as the days and months continued, it became clear that God had more in store with these reflections. And as usual, it was nothing short of astonishing.

As my theological studies continued, people would ask “What will you do with that?”, to which I would reply, “Well, there are many things but I’m not sure precisely. God will let me know.” Today, with my Theology degree now in hand, and the wrap up of a wonderfully, insightful year, I hope to share these writings with all of you! My personal tale unravels with each passing day forming a mission I would never have considered.

The Holy Spirit speaks to us through Scripture. Although I have many favorites, one that I contemplated over and over was this:

“Where your treasure is, there your heart will also be.” Matthew 6:21

I’ve been searching for my unique mission within God’s vineyard. With pleadings to help me recognize it and with God’s patient, loving, nurturing guidance, over the course of several years, He has unveiled it to me. Or, it took me that long to accept it as I do tend to want to control things. I, like most, have other ideas that I think would be better. Ha! 🙂 There’s a saying “If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans.” I’m sure I had Him rolling on the floor! Well, it’s a relationship, for better or worse!

Remember, He has already placed the treasure within each of us, it is our privilege to uncover that gift. Tune into His gracious promptings and become aware of the varied incoming sources or pointed directions. It is a treasure hunt like none other but with a spiritual reward like none other!

Follow me, as I seek, uncover and accept my treasure…

Gloria in Excelsis Deo,
