…The Appeal of a Rib

I sent this meme to a woman today to let her know how special she is and how grateful we are to have her in our lives. I didn’t realize until after sending it, that she may not understand exactly what it means. Sure enough I had to explain the message and at one point, … Continue reading "…The Appeal of a Rib"
Read More…We Are Not Alone

“Though God typically lets the universe run according to its natural rhythms and patterns, what is to prevent God from shaping it or influencing it occasionally in remarkable ways in order to signal his purpose and his presence?” Everyday there are miracles reported around the world….God is with us.
Read More…Faith Is Fierce

I have met several women over the last few years, who meet the descriptions listed on this Meme. Polar opposite personalities, all capable of moving not only mountains, but the planet as well, by their faith alone. One in particular, possesses quiet strength while the others possess “in your face” attitude. All have a deep … Continue reading "…Faith Is Fierce"
Read More…To Forgive Is Divine

Some people may achieve this self sacrificial level of forgiveness in their lifetime. I am often reminded, I am just not there.
Read More…My Father’s House

Today, our family went to the cemetery in PA to visit the gravesites of great grandparents and grandparents – who left us too too soon. When I first read this caption, I thought, well it would certainly be nice to visit relatives that have died and whom we miss. However, upon a second reading, and … Continue reading "…My Father’s House"
Read More…From Whom Love Began
…You Are the Glory of God

“What’s so important about worship? To worship is to order the whole of your life toward the living God, and in doing so, to become interiorly and exteriorly rightly ordered. To worship is to signal to yourself what your life is finally about. It’s nothing that God needs, but it is very much something that … Continue reading "…You Are the Glory of God"
Read More…No Fear

Yes, we may still have slight doubts and be discouraged at times. However, those moments will be far and few in between and the feelings from that…fleeting. No longer will we agonize over choices or slights because we have trust and faith in God to help us especially when we ask Him. He even sends … Continue reading "…No Fear"
Read More…Never Let Go!
…Treasure of Heaven

This message is contrary to what the world teaches us and demands from us. But that is the world, where right is wrong and wrong is right and offers no hope. Senseless. For those who live in Christ, have not only the riches of faith, hope, trust and love, but all the riches above the … Continue reading "…Treasure of Heaven"
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