…New Perspective of Time

In June of 2012, I took an impromptu trip with my oldest brother who is a long distance transportation specialist. Somehow, the idea of visiting with him and his family put me in the front seat of his tractor trailer. At the time, I was feeling like things were amiss somewhere and I felt the … Continue reading "…New Perspective of Time"
Read More…Seeking His Face

My professor stated “all Christians are mystics.” Wait. What? Really? She explained that simply by praying, reading Scripture, and going to Mass creates a dialogue between the reader and God. I think in addition to those we also have – educating our children in faith, reading Christian feeds, reading mystical quotes from Saints throughout the … Continue reading "…Seeking His Face"
Read More…Let Freedom Reign

So many people have the definition of freedom wrong. We are free. Free to make choices that affect ourselves, yes. But so many people believe that freedom is allowing them to do whatever they want regardless of the consequences to themselves or to the effect to other people. If that effect is goodness, kindness, justice, … Continue reading "…Let Freedom Reign"
Read More…In the Shadow of His Wings

This morning I was up very early. While quietly puttering around my kitchen and waiting on my toast, I noticed the reflection of the crucifix on my dining room wall. I turned East to see the sun shining through the bay windows in the kitchen. Upon one of the windows I have a 3” sacramental … Continue reading "…In the Shadow of His Wings"
Read More…Seeking Depth

Once again, I received some great advice from a dear friend. She was helping me sort through some work related choices. As we discussed fear of the unknown, finances and reasons for making choices that may seem to be out of desperation, she sent me words that touched my soul. She truly is a gift … Continue reading "…Seeking Depth"
Read More…Participate In The Divine

“Now during the fourth watch of the night, which is to say the darkest time of the night, Jesus comes walking on the sea. This is meant to be an affirmation of his divinity: just as the spirit of God hovered over the waters at the beginning, so Jesus hovers over them now. So he says … Continue reading "…Participate In The Divine"
Read More…Staring At The Sun

I recently heard that God could be described as the sun. The sun sends us warmth and life -giving light but if we went into it we would be consumed. Because of our nature, we may not behold The Face of the Father physically, but He is with us, He is within us and He … Continue reading "…Staring At The Sun"
Read More…May I Pray For You?

I have never thought about the results of my prayers for others. I mean I have faith that to Whom I pray will take care of any intentions but I also know it is God’s will on whether it will come to fruition, pass or be better than I prayed. I never really watched for … Continue reading "…May I Pray For You?"
Read More…No, I Mean Really Love God

“Since God is found in every person, how we treat our neighbor is how we treat God.“ It’s very difficult to remember this message but it is true. We are all made in the image and likeness of our Living God. It’s true not just for the people we know and love. It’s true for … Continue reading "…No, I Mean Really Love God"
Read More…Follow Me to Divinity

“For Christians see that with Jesus human and divine nature began to be woven together, so that by fellowship with divinity human nature might become divine not only in Jesus, but also in all those who believe and go on to undertake the life which Jesus taught, the life which leads everyone who lives according to Jesus’ commandments … Continue reading "…Follow Me to Divinity"
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