…Sets Us Free

“Notice that Christianity is not a set of ideas or convictions or principles. It is a relationship with a person. Do you love Jesus? Has he become your friend? Jesus said to Peter: “As a young man you fastened your belt and went about as you pleased; but when you are older you will stretch … Continue reading "…Sets Us Free"
Read More…Looking Forward Serving God

I often had a recurring dream about a past employment that had a major effect on me. It’s why I made the decision to study Theology. While there, I had such inner turmoil watching some daily events unfold that just did not offer warmth, welcome or peace. It was a true conflict to my expectations … Continue reading "…Looking Forward Serving God"
Read More…Be Prudent

Whether you are a child, a teenager, a young adult, middle aged, or elderly, we will all get pressure, at some point in time, from nearby influences. However, we are the only one able to choose the decision for ourselves. Make it a great one by questioning first – will this make me a … Continue reading "…Be Prudent"
Read More…Your Gift To God

From diets and exercise, to reaching over the years to estranged family members, each day is a gift, a new beginning to form new ideas, change past hurts, heed new revelations or reinforce personal beliefs and steadfast loyalty to them. About 4 years ago, a family member said to me “I wish I could go … Continue reading "…Your Gift To God"
Read More…The Heart Always Knows

As we grow, mature, raise families and are constantly faced with making everyday decisions, ultimately, our focuses change or rather develop over the years. Here is something to consider: What is your treasure? Does your heart know? Where is your heart each day? Do you see your treasure? Peace, Paula
Read More…Who Are We to Save or Destroy?

The other night I finally watched a movie that I had wanted to see since it first showcased – “The Shack.” The storyline focused on “forgiveness” in an extremely difficult situation. It was a beautiful story that showed us how we unknowingly judge people without knowing their background or what shaped them. It’s quite easy … Continue reading "…Who Are We to Save or Destroy?"
Read More…On Earth As It Is In Heaven

“And the Ascension carries that revolution to a new pitch. It’s the coming together of earth and heaven. We see this “coming together” throughout the Church’s life, in good preaching, in great Christian art, in the singing at liturgy, in the architecture of our cathedrals and churches, in the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. … Continue reading "…On Earth As It Is In Heaven"
Read More…If The Lord Wills

I love making plans! Plans to work, vacation, pay off bills, have cookouts, birthday parties, shop, meet friends, read books, do homework, whatever it is. We plan our days, nights and future – that’s what we do. Some people say, they fly by the seat of their pants – perhaps – but they still acquiesce to some plans such … Continue reading "…If The Lord Wills"
Read More…A Word To The Wise

Ah, we’ve all heard “if you don’t have anything good to say, don’t say anything at all.” Time gives our emotions a chance to subside and our thoughts to gather in a productive manner rather than a reactive manner. Try it, you’ll be glad you did and much wiser when you do speak. Peace, Paula
Read More…Crying Out Loud

Sometimes the tasks, the disappointments, the chaos, the responsibilities, the desire to just give up, are just too overwhelming. We are only mere humans and we have very human emotions. I often hear myself ask “why, why now?” Fortunately, we are never left alone to wallow in the muck. God give us a much needed … Continue reading "…Crying Out Loud"
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