…Peace to People of Good Will

Paul famously says, “in Christ, there is no slave or free, no Jew or Greek, no male or female”. This was very radical stuff in those times, for these were some of the most basic social divisions of the ancient world. Free men were a lot better off than slaves, Jews had huge advantages over Greeks, and males were seen as superior to females. But not anymore, not in light of the Kingdom of God that Jesus announces.

Sadly, society has constantly battled what Jesus made so simple over 2000 years ago for all of mankind to heed.  Even within Christianity, there are divisions where there should be none.  Can you just imagine what kind of world this would be if all those before us and those present to us, could do just that?  If people could truly see that Christianity is literally Heaven on Earth and we lived our lives and loved our neighbor according to that honor it would be a world of unity.