…Even Jesus Wept

I reflected on this passage and thought of the many times I myself have cried, or seen other people cry from frustration, sadness or feeling as if things were beyond their control. It’s amazing though, that in those moments, before the tears begin to dry or even that veil of hopelessness lifts, that the inner light of the soul, that strength within, resurges as if to say “I am not giving up today!” You can feel that inner will getting fired up and re-motivating one to continue forward. One positive thought in front of the other, one step in front of the other, begins the motion. Before you know it, you are wiping the tears away, appreciative of that little break in order to renew oneself. Crying most certainly is not bad or weak, it’s an opportunity to relax the mind and body and refill yourself from the cup of determination and strength that God so freely pours out to those who ask.