…Does History Indeed Repeat?

There have been many American historical moments that call out Patriotism…American Revolution, Pearl Harbor, 9/11, those were just at the top of my head but I know there are many other moments, good and bad, in our short history. Today I read a Facebook post from a local mom who was a little upset that her children’s schools did not take a moment of silence or even discuss the events of September 11th. Many posters chimed in for and against but nothing disrespectful. One person thought the kids too young to even know or understand because they weren’t even born yet. One person mentioned the importance of history and remembering those significant turning points that energizes Patriotism. Most importantly, he was on point when he reiterated we are always doomed to repeat it because we do not remember. All these moments have significant impact on our society. Everywhere throughout the history of people, we can see so many new generations that make the same mistake as distant past generation. One must sit back and wonder, why are we doing this again? Why do we not learn from the past? We will continuously render the same outcomes. Why do we settle for “same stuff, different day” when we’ve had so many days that were truly harrowing in the course of our history. A quote from the Essential Writings of Yves Congar, a theologian, might give us perspective into this dilemma; “It has been right observed that mankind goes forward in its history backward, because it only sees the road it has already traveled.” Why can’t we break out of the hateful mode? Change is good when it benefits all of humanity and although we cannot see the future – we can look to it with eyes of faith and that of much needed hope. We can look within to a heart full of love and then look around to help a person in need.