…But to Whom Will You Run?

A few years back while at my son’s sports game, I said to some other moms, “Boy, it’s such a gorgeous day here, it’s hard to believe Florida is getting racked with Hurricane Irma right now. A mom retorted that between Hurricanes Harvey and Irma tearing up Texas, the Caribbean, now Florida, and the earthquake in Mexico she said “Is this Armageddon? I’m expecting locusts to start falling out of the sky.” We all sort of smiled uneasily. I thought to myself about the last days depicted in the Book of Revelation but instead mentioned the ever changing climate of Earth, the ice caps melting and the uptick in increasingly destructive weather. Somehow, that seemed less threatening. However, Armageddon is not a single day event and any Christian living today, surely must notice the intensity of trying to survive and I just can’t imagine what it’s like for those who do not have Jesus.
Any storm that causes chaos whether emotionally, intellectually, physically or spiritually is an opportunity to call out in prayer to God, protection, love and guidance. He is the only One who can and will save us. It is not only just for Christians, He desires for everyone to realize He is the only shelter.