…Know the Good

This message is for all people and all generations. When someone does something that is against general moral theory, I often wonder if they ever knew better. There are many who don’t for one reason or another. We must always teach and better yet, live our lives with good intentions, good aspirations, and constantly seeking to do the will of God. It’s the good that nudges you that something isn’t right, or that inner whisper that says pay attention. Of course for those without it, they were never taught to listen to it or that it ever existed. We must be shown and taught morals if just for the sake of humanity. We are taught and beaten over the head about ethics for business – how much more important is that for personal relationships and daily interactions with our fellow peers. Some people legitimately do not know the good, but for us who do – we need to share those goods with the rest of the world especially those within our circle. That is love for the sake of the other. And yes, it is our business – to those we love and those to come. The Bible is a handbook to all that is evil and all that is good.