…Team Humanity

So this morning after I fed the pets, I turned on the TV to get the morning news. Instead, there was a movie showing and the scene immediately caught my attention. It was set in the 1940’s, and there was a white man asking a black man if he was Jackie Robinson, to which he replied…”Who wants to know?” I am not a huge sports fan, but I do admire the tenacity, dedication and passion that players exhibit for their craft. I’m amazed at their stamina to put in so many hours to be athletic professionals. Some are in it for the money, a job, competition and some truly enjoy the game for whatever it feeds them.
But this wasn’t about the game itself, I was viewing this movie from the perspective of racism and humanity. The human diversity that continues to drive a wedge within our own species. Certainly, throughout history, we as people have come far but we still hold on to ancient elitism. And it’s not just color of skin, it’s religion, customs, heritage, language, personal features, employment, social status, financial means, or anything else that one can absurdly reason to not like a group of people. The best part of the film was not when Jackie Robinson hit home runs but when a member of his all white team finally approached a coach who was spewing hateful appellatives. He defended the baseball player in front of hundreds while Jackie was harassed at bat. When Jackie got back to the dugout and asked his teammate “Why did you do that?” the player’s reply was apropos to humanity as well…he said “We are on the same team.”
Yes, Yes – We are ALL on the same team regardless of anything else in the world. We are part of humanity and to focus in a bit more – Christians are on the same team…Team God. Why are we still creating schisms within our own team? Isn’t it time we as Christians combined our love of The Trinity into a true unity of faithful followers? There is power in numbers.
God is the center of everything in life and we all draw from that same well. He doesn’t segregate for any reason and neither should His creation for we were made by the love of God to be shared amongst all His creation.