…I See You Lord

Christian mysticism is seeking the hidden God. My Theology professor has emphasized “mysticism is individual and unique. It is based upon people’s life stories.” What God is calling to one may not be heard by another. During Masses, we tune in to the Gospel or the priest’s homily but we may hear or feel differing messages dependent on our own lives, beliefs, choices and situations.
I met a woman in a Bible study who shared some unique insight into her own revelations from her faith in Christ. Her son was in the military and she was concerned about his well being and it weighed heavily on her heart and mind day and night. She explained that during that time she was cleaning out items from a closet and a random Bible Scripture continued to pop into her head. After some time, she decided to get her Bible and look up the Scripture. It was a Scripture that reassured her that her son was safe and would return home. She closed the Bible in complete awe and overwhelming peace. This is a woman who looks at everything through the eyes of faith. This is mysticism. It is in all of us as we seek the hidden God.
We as His creation, as God’s children, as Christians, are united through faith. We are compelled to be tethered together through the Word of God within the heart. Modern day Christian mystic, Caryll Houselander, writes “the seed is the Word of God sown in the human heart” and goes on to blossom the idea that there must be a “moment of gestation before anything can flower.” She suggests that as we grow in faith and in relationship with God we must “relate everything to reality of Christ’s growth within us.” By acknowledging this, the result is exactly the same for all mankind: tremendous love, adoration, praise and thanksgiving, and awe for our Creator.