…Seeking His Face

My professor stated “all Christians are mystics.” Wait. What? Really? She explained that simply by praying, reading Scripture, and going to Mass creates a dialogue between the reader and God. I think in addition to those we also have – educating our children in faith, reading Christian feeds, reading mystical quotes from Saints throughout the ages to researching reasons for Holy Day. Seeking events of hope and faith pulled from our daily lives, and most definitely the love and protection of the Trinity. And of course, we have a seemingly infinite source of writers and books attempting to explain the Mystery of God within our human limited capabilities and knowledge.
Each time we actively or passively seek God, we are engaging in mysticism. We are seeking the hidden God within our senses. What you will find is that God is not so hidden after all.
It is no secret that He dwells within our heart and there you shall find Him. Take the time to quiet yourself, and nourish yourself with all things God. In that space, you will find exactly what your heart longs for…yourself with God.