…Let Freedom Reign

So many people have the definition of freedom wrong. We are free. Free to make choices that affect ourselves, yes. But so many people believe that freedom is allowing them to do whatever they want regardless of the consequences to themselves or to the effect to other people. If that effect is goodness, kindness, justice, fairness, then yes, please be free. But if the freedom results in hurt, anger, injustice, isolation, defeat, sin or addiction, then please, reconsider what you feel freedom actually means to yourself and others.
Christ frees us from all that which causes pain or injury. He frees us from all that causes emotional burden, guilt or fear. Christ frees us to make choices away from anguish, anxiety, difficulties or bad relationships. He frees us from useless human drama. He frees us to even be happy while enduring times of trials. He frees our souls of anything that tries to inhibit growth. If that is what you consider free, then look to Christ. He will show you true freedom and the joy that comes with it in all levels of human life.