…Wisdom of the Youth?

Today’s scripture reading was about King Solomon – because he was a child, he prayed for wisdom and a discerning heart to govern God’s great people. He asked for God’s Divine guidance in knowing right from wrong.
Since I first became a parent, over 31 years ago, all my prayers to God consisted of helping me make the right decisions for my child and help in being a good parent. I didn’t know the first thing about being a parent or mother as I was barely 19 years old. It was by faith and God’s grace that I would make a daily plea. Even all these years and 5 children later, I still pray for help in making the right decisions for my family. These souls are God’s greatest gifts, and like Solomon, with responsibilities to them in knowing right from wrong – not only for them as individuals, or as part of this family, but also as part of society.
So far so good, but the praying never ceases, as our children bring new people and relationships into this growing family.