…Pay It Forward

Lunch today with a friend was very pleasant. She mentioned an older woman who decided to further her education to earn a business degree. She used me as an example of someone who went back to school later in life when family and jobs competed for attention above studies. She said “My friend is studying Theology. I don’t know how she does it but I can tell you one major factor: she is absolutely passionate about it! That’s what keeps her on track and now she is almost done!” It felt nice for someone to recognize my level of passion for these studies and to relay that to another person. To me, that was a simple yet elegant way of evangelization.
In a time where STEM programs are the favored studies due to the rapid advances in sciences, and of course the prospect of high paying jobs, studying a humanity such as Theology always raises eyebrows, sometimes of pity. Clearly my goal is not to increase the size of my wallet or develop the next IPhone but to help increase the size of the Kingdom of God by sharing knowledge, understanding, guidance and a heart filled with contemplation on how to fulfill that goal in the service of Jesus. God has invested these gifts in me and it is my honor to give Him a profitable ROI. Return of Investment.