…Our Spiritual Garden

Today, being Sunday, it was an easy choice to do something that will lead me closer to God…go to Church, read the Scriptures, hear a homily, enjoy some fellowship and read about the Saints. At home, I had much to tackle with my Theology reading and papers but also a lot to catch up on within my home. But first things first, I needed to go to Mass to refuel my spiritual stamina, open my heart and mind to what God wanted me to hear.
The Gospel was about the weeds growing among the healthy plants. The priest unpacked the centuries old question of “why does God allow evil in the world?” He answered quite easily that God has patience. He is waiting patiently for those evil hearts, those weeds, to seek Him, to become aware of the love within themselves, and to find Him. Just as He has patience with us, He also has patience for those lost.
But God has also promised the righteous, the healthy greens, that there will be a harvest, at the end of time, where He will gather the weeds and they will be destroyed. We must maintain our healthy spiritual garden.