…Your Personal Eden

My God, halfway through my vacation and I just don’t want it to end. There is no burden or anxiousness, just peace and freedom to enjoy the sights and the sounds of each beautiful day.
I am feeling remarkably like my whole existence has slowed down to an enjoyable, carefree pace. Either my perception has changed or people seem friendlier. It can’t be just me because even my children have mentioned the noticeable difference in people who are on vacation – they are just more pleasant, happier and polite. There is more laughter and less grunting from strangers passing on sidewalks or while waiting in lines. Maybe it’s the sun, blue skies, the salty air or the variety of food establishments, but we all noticed how congenial strangers were and it was just another reminder of how important it is to enjoy all that God has given us in this great play space called Earth. It’s for our own good health! It’s our personal Eden if we are able to sense it, not just with our eyes and hears, but with our spirit.
No matter where we are whether in the serene countryside, bustling city, through an apartment window or a ship porthole, we have the gift of sensing the awakening wildlife and mango colored sunrises, the cooling crimson sunsets or the silent, steady white glow of the moon.
God has made clear our paths and guides us day and night. He has aligned us with Him and with the natural rhythms of all creation. Enjoy the peace only He can bring in life’s moments.