…Life Is More Than Things

While cruising down the Bass River on Cape Cod, the tour guide was highlighting the history of the gorgeous waterfront homes of the rich and usually famous homeowners. Some owners were professional athletes, some business tycoons, some were politicians and some owners just inherited the home. While seeing these multi million dollar homes with the variety of boats and yachts parked on their docks, and pristine landscaping with cascading rose and hydrangea bushes along small private beaches, it’s hard not to imagine what it would be like to have so much money that one could afford that lifestyle. The tour was about 90 minutes and as we passed each home and listened to the stories of these fortunate people, I turned to my husband and said, “geesh, this tour is making me feel kind of depressed.” He chuckled and wiped his brow.
As we disembarked from our little cruise with two of our kids, we joyfully retreated to a small diner of fish tacos and iced teas. We had laughs, reminisced and planned our next adventure together partaking in God’s most valuable asset for us…simple, unencumbered personal family time.
I prayed the same for those families who lived on the Bass River.