…God’s Investments

I was having a conversation with a friend about the gifts God gives us and why talented people hold them back. The question was “Aren’t we supposed to use and share these gifts, to the best of our ability, if we are lucky enough to recognize them?” The answer, of course, is “yes”.
So our confusion was in knowing someone, who is a religious, who appears to have cordoned himself off from the multitude of those he could easily share his gifts. Instead, he has surrounded himself with a posse that is not welcoming, understanding, intuitive, insightful or even sincere. His focus outwards is blocked and it would appear any inspiration is on life support.
Maybe he is tired of throwing his “pearls of wisdom to swine” without seeing a hefty return on God’s investment. Unfortunately, by cutting himself off from the investment of those lives who reach out for help, he’s diminishing the odds of a great spiritual return.