…Really? Again? So Soon?

Saturday was a long business day – exciting but tiring. At about 7:00pm I was with clients, who were also friends. Because we are friends, it took a bit longer than usual because conversation drifts from one familiar topic to another then back to business. But, no matter what I’m doing, who I’m with or which task at hand, somehow God always makes an appearance. No, we weren’t praying for a suitable outcome, but we could have. Instead, the topic turned to my studies in Theology. It’s quite the conversation grabber especially to those mired in it! This would be my second conversation in one day with two very different individuals but both in the same business field.
The gentleman said to me “When we have more time, I would love to understand, from a strictly curiosity factor, what intrigued you to study Theology. And, what exactly do you study?” It was definitely a topic for another time and place but I scratched the surface with some topics of study. His wife, who also joined us, recently became intimate with the peacefulness of The Virgin Mary. He admitted he was “agnostic”…yes, indeed, this was going to be a long conversation..but it was just enough that night to plant the seed.