…Sets Us Free

“Notice that Christianity is not a set of ideas or convictions or principles. It is a relationship with a person. Do you love Jesus? Has he become your friend? Jesus said to Peter: “As a young man you fastened your belt and went about as you pleased; but when you are older you will stretch out your hands, and another will tie you fast and carry you off against your will.” The ultimate test of discipleship is our willingness to abandon our egos and be carried by a power greater than ourselves.”
God is not looking for how well we adapt to human ideas, rules and regulations, but only to be in a relationship with us. When we establish a relationship, we nurture it and it is always top of mind. When we are in a relationship, we naturally lean towards wanting to do the right thing by the other person, or not wanting to disappoint the other and especially seeking to show love, friendship, and respect. It becomes natural to enjoin lives – the good and the bad. He is well aware of our sinful nature and endeavored to set us free from all of it.
Lord Have Mercy,