…If The Lord Wills

I love making plans! Plans to work, vacation, pay off bills, have cookouts, birthday parties, shop, meet friends, read books, do homework, whatever it is. We plan our days, nights and future – that’s what we do. Some people say, they fly by the seat of their pants – perhaps – but they still acquiesce to some plans such as where to sleep, what to eat, and where to work. Regardless, plans are also made to be broken – but the ironic point is that we can go ahead and plan or not plan, set up a plan only to be changed, but they are all at the mercy of God.
When I was 16 yrs old, I actually said out loud “Ya, I don’t think I will have kids.” Well, over the course of the next 20 yrs, I have birthed and currently raising 5 kind, intelligent, thoughtful, practical, beautiful children – 2 boys and 3 girls! God must have gotten a real chuckle out of my plans at 16.
So, when I make plans now, I hold my breath – but I know His plans will be much more fruitful than my own!
Lord Have Mercy,