…Is Your Faith Really Alive?

“If true knowledge of God depends upon immersion in the Holy Spirit, then that knowledge is a function of an entire form of life, involving prayer, self-denial, the corporal and spiritual works of mercy, and the forgiveness of one’s enemies. We don’t so much think our way to an understanding of God; we live our way to it. Thomas Aquinas always said that he owed his theology far more to the persistence of his prayer than to the acuity of his mind. His penetration of the divine mystery flowed from his life in the Holy Spirit.”
I’ve heard many people say “they believe in God” but that’s where it ends. They don’t pray, read the Bible, employ works of mercy, forgive or even show kindness. They don’t struggle doing any of these things. With true faith and attachment to the Holy Spirit, one could not help doing all those things and more in faith. We believe because the Holy Spirit allows us to believe and helps us understand God’s communication at our level.
Christians live their faith – some more than others – it’s whatever the Holy Spirit is calling us to do whether simple or difficult, small or large, a whisper or a thunder. It is always good and always rewarding. It is in those moments of prayer that our faith is alive and communicating readily with God.
Lord Have Mercy,