…Humility Before Honor

From the time we are born, we humble ourselves to learn from others who are willing to share their knowledge. Whether it be speaking first words, reading and writing, riding a bike, learning algebra, cooking meals, calculating the motion of the universe, or upon our first introduction to Jesus, Proverbs or the Book of Wisdom. We also must be humble when learning a new job or new task within our daily lives. We beseech those who have gone before us to help us come to understand. In humility, we are asking to share in their knowledge, to learn new ways, scope out new ideas, and to do what’s expected for a favorable result. We do this all in humility.
Knowledge comes from seeking out those who know – parents, teachers, mentors, employers, neighbors, and the list goes on and on, all by way of humility.
The honor is achieved when we share that knowledge by teaching, explaining or demonstrating to others.