…Food For The Soul

A few months ago, a friend of mine pleaded with me to go on vacation with her and some friends. Due to time constraints with my job, and of course finances, it wasn’t possible. She texted me a few times, while by the ocean side, reading a book I loaned her for the journey. She was captivated by the story, the travels and the quest of finding one’s “personal legend” orchestrated by God. When she returned, we texted about the book, it’s meaning, and listening to all those signs that come around. As we were trying to schedule a time to get together in between commitments, she texted me this:
“Time spent with you is good for my soul”
I was speechless from a simple phrase with so much meaning. God used my friend to place a direct touch to my heart. He reached us both during a “seeking” conversation to be sure we are following His directions on where and who He wants us to be for His purpose. It was yet another moment, that spoke to my heart – exactly where He rests.