…Whose Approval Do You Seek?

I find it interesting that when someone strives to get to know God, tries to put God first in their lives and tries to include God in all their decisions, others get uncomfortable or more likely just roll their eyes. What’s funny is these same people profess faith in Christ! Confusing. They want Him close but not too close or they want Him to hear their prayers but then they don’t want to listen to His response. Probably, because they have no intention to follow through anyway.
When one loves God, trusts God, defers to God, puts their life in God’s hands, or even references God in conversations, some people take offense and downplay the importance of that person’s faith. But, why the offense? Sometimes, their remarks suggest that one is being “holier than thou”?
Well, actually, we are striving to make good decisions, striving to be good people, striving to elevate the meaning of our lives for God’s purpose and most certainly aiming to help others lift up their lives as well. We are aiming to have Godly ideals but not “holier than thou” – we are just trying to be the holy person God already created us to be.