…What Are You Looking At?

Tonight at work, a teacher and I were discussing genuine discrimination. In particular, discrimination between people who hail from the same country and/or speak the same language. They share the same language, religion, work values and reasons for coming to America. However, the established ethnic group looks down upon the newly immigrated group and even amongst their own families based on geographical location. As we discussed the dynamics of misconceptions, disbelief, sadness and frustration of people’s egos, I’m reminded of history and the perpetual recycling of the same racist and superiority issues. We may look different, speak different languages, share different beliefs or values but, as the teacher candidly points out to all her adult students “yes we may appear different, we all experience the same emotions and feelings”. And she’s absolutely correct! She went right to the core of what makes us human – feelings and emotions! Take away the physical outer cover of our bodies and suddenly, we are no longer different. We all share moments of happiness, sorrow, joy, anger, excitement and hurt. We are always told to look beyond the outward appearances and look deeply into the soul – that is where the true person lies and that is where we should start and end. That is how God sees us, all of us.
When we are able to do that for our fellow “child of God”, we show the Lord how much we love Him.
Lord Have Mercy,