…Virtuous Benefits of Work

Do you recall that even Adam worked in the Garden of Eden?
Genesis 2:15 “The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.”
So, one could ask, why, why do we work? Typically, we would all answer with…”for the money!” but, Adam certainly wasn’t working for money! Author Matthew Kelly has an inspiring and thoughtful twist regarding work for even ordinary or mundane work:
“The primary purpose of work is to help us become the-best-version-of-ourselves.
When you work hard, pay attention to the details of your work, and do a good job,
you grow in a number of virtues, including patience, diligence, perseverance, and integrity.”
Work is good, hard work is even better. We gain so many benefits from working, learning, gathering, sorting, fixing, developing, curing, whatever work we do. To make our tasks even worthier, we are reminded to transform our work time into prayer time.
“Offer each hour of work of your work to God as a prayer for a specific person or a particular intention.”
Do it with LOVE and you will be abundantly fulfilled as well!
With Peace of the Lord,