You know, in those moments of self-doubt, confusion or apathetic resignation, I just pray… Dear God, fix what is weak or broken in me, because I just don’t understand how to correct it on my own. Lord Have Mercy, Paula
Read MoreYou know, in those moments of self-doubt, confusion or apathetic resignation, I just pray… Dear God, fix what is weak or broken in me, because I just don’t understand how to correct it on my own. Lord Have Mercy, Paula
Read MoreIt’s so exciting to have good things happen that you were never anticipating or expecting! News of wage increase or job promotion. News of being rewarded for efforts in schoolwork, news about brand new relationships, or sharing in other’s joyous announcements of births, engagements, beginning school, pets, etc. There is so much to life that … Continue reading "…A Very Good Thing"
Read MoreFor the last three weeks, I have been counting chicken eggs! One of my hens, Sophia, has been sitting on fertilized eggs and we are expecting baby chicks! Over the course of the weeks, there were times that she came off the eggs to take a bath, have some food, water and stretch her legs. … Continue reading "…Counting Chickens-Wait, Blessings"
Read MoreSome days, most definitely today, I need solitude. I need to get away from all that distracts me, all things that disturb my train of thought, all things that create unnecessary noise and most definitely interruptions. I need to escape into my thoughts, into my problems, into my prayers. I need silence in order to ask my questions and … Continue reading "…Wait In Silence"
Read MoreI was having breakfast with a friend and we were discussing how parishes and their parishioners tend to stay within their own community gates. She described a scenario where she said “they stay in their own silo”. My immediate response was “can you imagine if St. Paul, James, John, Thomas or any of the other disciples … Continue reading "…So What Kind of Feet Are Beautiful?"
Read MoreI find it interesting that when someone strives to get to know God, tries to put God first in their lives and tries to include God in all their decisions, others get uncomfortable or more likely just roll their eyes. What’s funny is these same people profess faith in Christ! Confusing. They want … Continue reading "…Whose Approval Do You Seek?"
Read MoreRecently, I had a few days feeling a touch of Job. Thankfully, I was definitely not at his level of despair, no sickness or death but just burdened with inconvenient and unsolicited stress and emotion. Luckily, having the hindsight with Job’s story, we know to stay strong and diligent throughout our trials no matter what. … Continue reading "…So You’re Feeling like Job?"
Read MoreTonight at work, a teacher and I were discussing genuine discrimination. In particular, discrimination between people who hail from the same country and/or speak the same language. They share the same language, religion, work values and reasons for coming to America. However, the established ethnic group looks down upon the newly immigrated group and even … Continue reading "…What Are You Looking At?"
Read MoreDo you recall that even Adam worked in the Garden of Eden? Genesis 2:15 “The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” So, one could ask, why, why do we work? Typically, we would all answer with…”for the money!” but, Adam … Continue reading "…Virtuous Benefits of Work"
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