…Unseen Reality

“From Bishop Barron:
Friends, today’s Gospel reveals St. John’s report of Mary Magdalene’s encounter with the risen Jesus. An interesting lesson follows from the disquieting fact of the Resurrection, namely that this world is not it. What I mean is that this world is not all that there is. We live our lives with the reasonable assumption that the natural world as we’ve come to know it is the final framework of our lives and activities. And one of the most powerful and frightening features of the common-sense world is death. Every living thing dies and stays dead.
But what if death and dissolution did not have the final say? What if, through God’s power, and according to his providence, a “new heavens and a new earth” were being born?
The resurrection of Jesus from the dead shows as definitively as possible that God is up to something greater than we had imagined or thought possible.
In light of the Resurrection, we can begin to see this world as a place of gestation,a place of growth and maturation toward something higher, more permanent, and more splendid.”
Does your faith allow you to embrace this unseen reality?
Lord Have Mercy,