…Wait, What?

I often pray for awareness. I pray for those “signs” so I can be sure of the correct direction. With that, I also ask God to hit me over the head with the sign because sometimes I just don’t see it…or perhaps don’t want to see it. But in any event, I need help recognizing those signs because I usually get in my own way with more questions or indecisions or plain doubt. Questions on family, career, school, friends, relationships but mostly, I guess, career. What’s best for the family, or me and will we all benefit? Am I doing what is intended for me, am I on the right path or is it a bypass for now or even a rest stop?
Well, it became clear when I went into work and out of the blue I was asked if I was enjoying the new job. This lead to if I would be interested in more hours, expanding the role of my position with additional responsibilities and subsequently increasing my pay. As the kids like to say, “wait, what?”
I believe that night He was hitting me over the head…for now… 🙂
God, He just makes everything so easy.