…Mercy Anyone?

The topic of expectations has come up a few times recently in several close relationships. We all harbor personal expectations that we automatically believe others share as well. Well, this is just not true. We are uniquely designed, created and programmed. We need to recognize our own expectations in relation to others. By this means, we must communicate. More than likely, both will see the reasonableness of each other’s views and expectations.
Some people try to have no expectations of others – because then they feel the most free from disappointment – however, when would they ever experience a true celebration of gratefulness or appreciation when someone actually attempts to meet their expectations?
Well instead of extremes, it’s easiest to accept each other’s beliefs somewhere in the middle. Some will be raised, some lowered and some non negotiable, but all can be acceptable.
We must remember that we cannot expect others behaviors to be exactly how we believe they should be…mercy is shown to all.