…Seeing Our Own Faults

Someone was recently relaying some incidents between herself and a significant other. I didn’t realize I was about to be enlightened to my own faults. I was able to see my own actions reflected back on my own relationship matter and it made me very uncomfortable. Not only were my eyes opened to my own sin but my heart pinched as well. As she was talking, I could clearly see my errors. I could see my shortcomings. I could see my hurtful words alienating someone who loves me deeply. I could see how anger had closed my mind and inflated my ego. I know it stems from trust and personal protection but when I see someone else doing the same thing in a relationship, it became clear how damaging the behavior is. Often times, I’ve wanted to give up or push the other person out of my life. After this conversation though, I was thankful that God gave me the opportunity to change my attitude into something with more compassion, understanding and positive purpose.
A day after this personal epiphany, I was at Mass. While listening to the priest’s homily, which was on Jesus curing a blind man and how he came to see Jesus first as a prophet, then as the Son of Man, he said “We are becoming more like Christians when we can see our own faults.” I knew the Holy Spirit was directing this message to me. I know I am a work in progress and hopefully, I can use the remainder of my lifetime to become more like Jesus. I do know, because I now see these aspects of my faults, I cannot turn a blind eye. My eyes are no longer blind.
Lord Have Mercy,