…He Wills Us Life

Calling a spade a spade. I have utmost respect for people when they do not try to cover the truth. They do not shy away from a teaching moment, and they certainly do not brush uncomfortable topics under the rug. Tonight, during a very painful and extremely sad memorial, a heartbroken mother and a frustrated, grieving father spoke honestly, truthfully and regrettably about their young son who died from a drug overdose. They didn’t try to sugar coat the epidemic of illicit drug use or make excuses on how this evil is consuming young lives every day. They acknowledge the role these lethal drugs had on his mind and body. The torment to resist was too much for him alone.
God wills us a life of unrelenting happiness. He gave us the right to live, but sadly, we don’t always live our lives for the grand purpose of what He intends it to be. He has shown us how to live a life free from the sin that keeps us as slaves but we resist. God desperately wants us to call upon Him for protection, guidance, love, understanding, and especially forgiveness but we resist again. We may feel ashamed or embarrassed, but He desires for us to be close to Him always. He knows our weaknesses and loves us still. He gave us life. He wants us to run to Him, especially in our weaknesses. Tonight we witnessed palpable grief of a family and friends over a life ripped from its future. The Lord also grieves with us at these senseless moments but He has given us hope for life eternal.
Our merciful God will welcome this child, who was claimed by Christ at baptism, into His loving embrace where he will finally find the peace he sought. With joy, we must remember that Christ already conquered death. With Christ’s sacrifice and His promise of resurrection and eternal life, these loved ones will one day be reunited and we will all witness the glory of God.
Lord Have Mercy,