…The Author of Us

Because I’ve studied Theology, people automatically think I can quote and identify Scripture passages by the book, chapter and verse, that I must be extremely religious or harbor a “holier than thou” precept. Um, not quite. Recently while discussing my academics in theology, someone challenged me that “I must know the passage of Isaiah 53.”
I said other than knowing he is a major prophet, no – what does it reveal? But honestly, I was bothered a bit that other than a couple of scriptures that I have committed to memory, I couldn’t cite scripture other than narrowing it down to Old Testament or New Testament – maybe. As I was reflecting on that disappointment, I came across this meme and it changed my view. Through my studies I have learned not only about the words in the Bible but more importantly its Author. I have learned about the intense relationship of commitment, protection and unyielding love that He has had with His creation since the beginning of time. I have learned intimate details about my God through ancient Hebrew hearts, kings, priests, new testament Gentiles, Jesus, disciples, deacons, and yes, even His enemies.
I may not be able to cite Scripture or know instantly where I read something – but I do know that whatever the question, He has answered it. Most importantly, I have learned about the most meaningful relationship to ever exist…God and us. People will say life doesn’t come with a manual but actually, it does. We are too lazy or stubborn to open it and inquire because we think “we just already know”. We don’t. If we did, history would not be doomed to repeat itself like it seems to do each and every generation. God revealed His mystery to us within those pages of written life. It’s a glorious revelation of God’s Hesed for His people. He has even left us with a preview of what is next and how to prepare.
Come to truly know the One whose love for you is immeasurable.
God Bless,