…What Is Truth?

As Pontius Pilate once asked “What is truth?”
Well, truth manifests itself differently to each of us. Sometimes we just don’t receive it with the same understanding or manner as another. What ones believes is truth, another believes is false. What one believes is accurate, another believes is suspect. Sometimes we ignore red flags because we just don’t want to believe something could be true. However, the truth is always present. We just may have a hard time differentiating it from our own willful perception.
With truth, comes trust. Truth, and trusting that truth, sets us free from worry. Unfortunately, trust in someone or something is very easy to lose and subsequently very difficult to rebuild. It’s the foundation of every viable relationship whether intimate, casual, or business.
So what is one to do in order to recognize truth? We can rely on more than the verbal word – we can rely on the action of one’s words. Tell me the truth – yes, but show me that truth. No lip service please – display the truth.
Jesus is truth in words and action. In Him, I trust my whole purpose and being.