…Morning with Christ

Reflection from one year ago:
It’s too easy to get overwhelmed with responsibilities of home, animal care, piles of homework assignments, daily journal entries, then add to it texts from traveling husband and inquiring family members. All these time consuming tasks, are exacerbated while trying to pack supplies and bags for a night away with my 2 younger kids, for a day of fun during their school vacation. Once my head began to spin and heart race with time constraints and energy, I decided that my first priority would be to get grounded and catch up on my 3 minute retreats from Loyola Press. These mini retreats help me to gain needed perspective, breath, and relax my mind, even if it was only 8am! If I couldn’t complete all these tasks, I could at least take notes and prepare my musings for a less chaotic day.
So whether a few minutes in prayer, reading, listening, contemplating, or reciting a few lines of a Psalms, I’ve discovered I can accomplish much when I first begin with God. I was also feeling, that with all the endless waves of spiritual insights and inspirations, I can sometimes feel as if I’m drowning in them as well, even though they are an invaluable cache. After a few 3 minute retreats, I had vision of these glorious waves of enlightenment actually freely carrying me on top of the waves. It was just what I needed.
So happy I went to God first thing.