…Aim towards God

Reflection from one year ago:
My 4th child is in Confirmation preparatory classes. I have the privilege of guiding her studies and witnessing her first hand insight of those findings. Of all my children so far, she is the one I feel has really opened her heart to the teachings and whisperings of Christ without much difficulty. She was my assistant when I taught a 5th grade religious education class. She actually had fun learning and demonstrating creatively, the teachings of the sacraments. I can see her growth and the connections her mind and heart are making to whom the Trinity is, to her and her future self. She has a pragmatic discipline and outlook to her role in this world with Christ. When we have something that is so wonderful, peaceful, resoundingly strong and courageous, that can secure a stable life with ease, it’s automatic to want to share that direction. It is not up to us to force a path, but to aim towards God and allow Him to set their paths so generously.
Kyrie Eleison,