…Pray for Clarity

Reflection from one year ago:
Our minds are scientifically and philosophically amazing! They can be practical and functional as well as creative and fascinating! We all have thoughts; random, purposeful, exciting, even terrifying, it’s a nonstop ride. Even when we sleep, the mind is actively processing the day’s events with chaotic threads that perhaps were never realized in our waking hours.
When we are conscious and facing daily decisions, especially major ones, we can tend to overthink something until it becomes so confusing or diluted, we have to return to the original question. Certainly, it is best to review things, but when we obsess without accord or our heart and mind are in conflict, it’s time to stop and reassess.
God is waiting for us to seek Him, to talk things out, to straighten out the confusion and help us find an answer to whatever decision is keeping us locked in a battle. We’ve all heard the advice “sleep on it” before making any final commitments. That’s great news, because before we turn in for the night, we pray. Praying is the best way to get clarity and relief. Turning our mind and heart towards God will help us set our sights on unobstructed and very rewarding resolutions.